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Monarch PK-8 Calendar


Every child deserves a strong start in school.


Monarch PK-8's full day kindergarten program provides an opportunity for students to learn through play.

1st Grade 

First grade at Monarch PK-8 is a space for exploration!

2nd Grade

In second grade at Monarch PK-8, we truly value collaboration.

3rd Grade

Third Grade at Monarch PK-8 is a pivotal year for children as they become more independent learners.

4th Grade

Fourth grade a Monarch PK-8 is a year where students focus on growth mindset and are encouraged to take risks.

5th Grade

Fifth grade at Monarch PK-8 is hands on, where our curriculum is explored through Inquiry and Project Based Learning.

6th Grade

Welcome to 6th grade! We believe in working together to ensure every student succeeds.

7th Grade

Welcome to 7th grade. We are an experienced and dedicated group of educators, working to nurture each student's unique potential by creating authentic and meaningful relationships.

8th Grade

Welcome to 8th grade! In 8th grade, we help our students build tenacity and work to their full potential.

School Life

There are many resources available for parents and students to explore in our School Life section.

Athletics and Activities

Monarch PK-8 has a wide variety of sports and activities that students can participate in to expand their opportunities.

School News

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District News

staff participating in training

In early August, before the school year started, the leadership and recess teams at 16 Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) elementary schools opted-in to participate in a comprehensive two-day Recess Implementation training provided by Playworks. The goal of the training is to create playgrounds where safe and healthy play is accessible for everyone.

Read More about BVSD conducted summer recess training to address playground bullying and create more inclusive and safe play
Zero fare image

The RTD’s Zero Fare for Youth pilot program is now a permanent fare change. This means that anyone 19 and under can ride the RTD system for free on all RTD services, including buses and trains. RTD will be making its fall service adjustments on September 29th. Several of the most popular RTD routes for BVSD students will see an increase in frequency, including the 204, 225, Dash, Jump, and Skip routes.

Read More about RTD Zero Fare for Youth continues! Service increases coming September 29th